Brian Moran
Brian Moran serves the American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) as the Men’s Division 1 Commissioner, having just completed his 21st season in that capacity.
Brian’s initial role with the ACHA was founding the website in 1996 and becoming its first webmaster, a role he held for 17 seasons until 2013. In 1999, Brian was elected to the position of Treasurer and held that responsibility for 14 seasons until 2013.
Brian was awarded the inaugural 2000-2001 Don Spencer Award for outstanding service and leadership to the ACHA. He was responsible for expanding the Men’s Division 1 National Tournament to 16 teams in 2004-2005 and later to 20 teams in 2011-2012, and founded the Men’s Division 1 Showcase (2003-2014) and All-Star Game (2007-2014). Brian also served as the Video Coordinator for the United States Men’s National University Team in 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019.
Brian’s involvement with the ACHA started with the 1992-1993 season as a defenseman at Eastern Michigan University. After finishing his career in 1996, Brian graduated with a B.A. in Parks and Recreation Management.