Merrimack College Hockey Player Doubles as Zamboni Driver MidGame

From WOKQ 97.5


This is such a New England hockey guy.

A clip is going viral after a player on the ACHA hockey team at Merrimack College was seen driving the Zamboni mid-game.

This might not be that funny or interesting if the player wasn’t playing, but he was. With not much time between periods, the Merrimack College player (doubling as Zamboni driver) was cleaning the ice with all of his gear on, from shoulder pads to skates.

This is epic, and hilarious, which is why it has gained so much attention, even from the biggest hockey podcast in the world.

There are only a handful of explanations for why this player had to clean the ice mid-game.

Okay, there is really only one explanation: the Zamboni driver who normally does it was not there.

But honestly, good for this player. He must have had SOME type of experience with the Zamboni, because that’s a big machine to operate for the first time. And based on the video, it looks like he knows what he is doing.

(Originally published at